Introduction to Probability for Data Science
Michigan Publishing, 2021
ISBN 978-1-60785-747-1 (electronic): Coming soon
RF Optimization Tutorial and Information for 2G,3G,4G and 5G
Michigan Publishing, 2021
Industri seluler saat ini sedang mendiskusikan Virtualized RAN (vRAN) dan Open RAN, tetapi sangat penting untuk membedakan antara kedua konsep ini karena keduanya mewakili pendekatan yang berbeda:
1. vRAN atau RAN Virtual
Dengan vRAN, perangkat keras radio berpemilik tetap seperti apa adanya, tetapi BBU digantikan oleh server COTS daripada menjadi perangkat keras BBU berpemilik. Perangkat lunak yang berjalan di BBU divirtualisasikan untuk dijalankan di server COTS mana pun. Tetapi antarmuka eksklusif antara radio dan BBU berbasis COTS tetap seperti apa adanya.
Jadi, meskipun fungsi RAN divirtualisasikan pada server COTS, antarmuka antara BBU dan RRU / RRH bukanlah antarmuka terbuka, sehingga perangkat lunak vendor mana pun tidak dapat bekerja dengan RRU / RRH kecuali antarmuka menjadi terbuka.
2. OpenRAN atau ORAN
Kunci dengan Open RAN adalah bahwa antarmuka antara BBU dan RRU / RRH adalah antarmuka terbuka, jadi, perangkat lunak vendor mana pun dapat bekerja pada RRU / RRH terbuka apa pun. Antarmuka yang lebih terbuka memungkinkan penggunaan radio satu pemasok dengan prosesor lain – yang tidak mungkin dilakukan dengan vRAN. Open RAN adalah gerakan untuk mendefinisikan dan membangun solusi RAN 2G, 3G, 4G, dan 5G berdasarkan perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak yang ditentukan vendor untuk tujuan umum dengan antarmuka terbuka di antara semua komponen.
Open RAN Merupakan pemisahan hardware dan software: hardware RRU/RRH menjadi hardware berbasis GPP atau COTS yang dapat dibeli dari vendor hardware ODM, OEM atau RAN manapun. BBU sama seperti dalam kasus vRAN
Ada perbedaan penting antara vRAN dan Open RAN, yang paling penting adalah inovasi yang akan diperkenalkan Open RAN dalam rantai nilai telekomunikasi. vRAN juga akan memperkenalkan fitur-fitur baru dan meningkatkan efisiensi peluncuran jaringan, tetapi Open RAN secara fundamental mengubah seluler rantai nilai infrastruktur dengan cara yang mencerminkan keragaman pemasok dan kecepatan inovasi yang mendefinisikan ulang pasar PC beberapa tahun yang lalu
Di era 5G, dengan mempertimbangkan tren virtualisasi RAN, cloudization dan sentralisasi, dan untuk mengurangi kapasitas fronthaul dan delay, base station 5G telah direstrukturisasi, terutama dibagi menjadi tiga bagian:
RU: Ini adalah unit perangkat keras radio yang mengubah sinyal radio yang dikirim ke dan dari antena menjadi sinyal digital untuk transmisi melalui jaringan paket. Ini menangani ujung depan digital (DFE) dan lapisan PHY bawah, serta fungsionalitas beamforming digital. pertimbangan utama desain RU adalah ukuran, berat, dan konsumsi daya. Mereka ditempatkan di situs.
DU: Perangkat lunak unit terdistribusi yang digunakan di situs pada server COTS. Perangkat lunak DU biasanya digunakan dekat dengan RU di lokasi dan menjalankan RLC, MAC, dan bagian dari lapisan PHY.
CU, unit pusat, terutama mencakup lapisan protokol RRC, SDAP, dan PDCP, dan terutama bertanggung jawab atas fungsi tumpukan protokol RRC, PDCP non-real-time.
CU dapat digunakan di cloud untuk mendukung penyebaran terintegrasi dari sinking UPF jaringan inti dan komputasi tepi. CU dan DU terhubung melalui antarmuka F1. Satu CU dapat mengelola satu atau lebih DU
DU bertanggung jawab atas lapisan waktu nyata 1 (L1, lapisan fisik) dan lapisan bawah 2 (L2) yang berisi lapisan tautan data dan fungsi penjadwalan.
CU bertanggung jawab atas fungsi L2 dan L3 (lapisan jaringan) non-real time yang lebih tinggi.
Version 3.0 of NYUSIM, the open source 5G & 6G channel model simulator software, is now available to download at
Version 3.0 Improvements
Version 3.0
introduces a MATLAB®-based indoor statistical channel model following
the mathematical framework of the existing NYUSIM outdoor channel
modeling approach, which can simulate indoor MIMO channel impulse
responses from 500 MHz to 150 GHz with 0 Hz to 800 MHz RF bandwidth. The
indoor channel model was developed based on channel statistics
extracted from channel measurements conducted in an office building at
28 GHz and 140 GHz.
To view all of the updates and to download the simulator, please visit:
What is E1 interface in 5G?
My friend: Hi Ibrahim, I have a question for you.
Me: Please, go ahead.
My friend: What is the function of E1 interface in 5G?
The E1 interface connects the Centralized Unit Control Plane (CU-CP) to
the Centralized Unit User Plane (CU-UP) in the case of CU splitting
which is done mainly to optimize the location of different RAN functions
according to different scenarios and performance requirements, so the
CU can be further separated into its CP and UP parts.
My friend: So, E1 interface is carrying data and control information between CU-CP and CU-UP, right?
No, it is only carrying control information to allow for the
coordination between user plane and control plane functions in the CU as
normally the user plane information will be directed from CU-UP towards
the UPF via NG-U interface. Also, note that as per 3GPP 38.460, the E1
interface should be an open interface that allows for CU separation to
happen between different vendors.
My friend: Thank you very much. You made it clear.
Me: You are most welcome
From Ibrahim Sayed
Is 5G protocol stack different from 4G?
My friend: Hi Ibrahim, I have a question for you.
Me: Please, go ahead.
My friend: Is there any difference between 4G and 5G protocol stack?
Yes, they are different slightly. If you checked the protocol stack of
the 5G control plane, you can find similar layers to the 4G control
plane, however the protocol stack of the 5G user plane has an extra
layer which is SDAP (Service Data Adaptation Protocol) which is used to
map each QoS flow into a specific Data Radio Bearer (DRB) as QoS flow is
a new concept introduced in 5G and was not available in 4G before.
My friend: So, same layers with same functions, right?
No, it doesn’t mean same layers for 4G and 5G, that same functions are
exist for both layers. For example, the PDCP layer in 5G has different
functions than 4G such as in 5G, PDCP layer can do PDCP PDU routing for
the so called split bearers in case of operating in dual connectivity
mode and split bearer concept is not there in 4G, also RRC layer in 5G
is responsible for on-demand system information and also RRC inactive
state which are new concepts in 5G.
My friend: Thank you very much.
Me: You are most welcome.
From Ibrahim Sayed
Is mobility in 5G different from 4G?
My friend: Hi Ibrahim, I have a question for you.
Me: Please, go ahead.
My friend: I was wondering if mobility in 5G differs from 4G or they are the same?
Me: Actually, it is different little a bit.
My friend: But, how are they different?
In 4G we have mainly mobility between cells, while in 5G we’ve mobility
between cells and beams which is called beam switching as well. So,
both the 5G BTS and UE must be capable of changing beams as the radio
conditions change.
My friend: But, how beam and cell mobility are done in 5G?
Beam switching is done inside each cell which is called intra-cell
mobility which requires layer 1 and layer 2 procedures. While, mobility
between cells or what is called inter-cell mobility involves a handover
which requires layer 3 procedures. Cell level measurements can be the
average of different beams measurement or the value of the strongest
beam depending on the algorithm used by each vendor.
My friend: Thanks a lot. You made it clear.
Me: You are most welcome.
From Ibrahim Sayed