*Dialog MASTEL Menuju 2021*
*Kamis, 10 Desember 2020 pukul 08.30 s.d. 15.30 WIB*
(URL Pendaftaran: https://s.id/dialog2021)
rangka memperingati 27 tahun perjalanan Masyarakat Telematika Indonesia
(MASTEL) yang didirikan pada tanggal 1 Desember 1993, MASTEL akan
mengadakan Dialog MASTEL Menuju 2021 dengan topik *Penguatan
Transformasi Digital Infrastruktur untuk Pemulihan Ekonomi Nasional*,
pada tanggal 10 Desember 2020 (Kamis) pukul 08.30 s.d. 15.30 WIB.
MASTEL Menuju 2021 didukung oleh Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika
dan akan menghadirkan pembuat kebijakan untuk menyampaikan pesan utama
terkait topik Dialog dan fokus kebijakan.
Pembicara yang telah mengonfirmasi kehadiran pada acara ini sebagai berikut:
*A. Keynote Speakers*
1. Bapak Airlangga Hartarto, Menteri Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian Republik Indonesia
2. Bapak Johnny G. Plate, Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika Republik Indonesia
*B. Pembicara*
1. Bapak Dr. Taufik Bawazier, Direktur Jenderal ILMATE, Kementerian Perindustrian Republik Indonesia
2. Bapak Prof. Ahmad M. Ramli, Direktur Jenderal PPI, Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika RI
3. Bapak Dr. Ismail, Direktur Jenderal SDPPI, Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika RI
4. Bapak Muhammad Neil El Himam, Deputi Bidang Ekonomi Digital dan
Produk Kreatif, Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif/ BAPAREKRAF
5. Bapak Ir. Josaphat Rizal Primana, M.Sc., (Pjs) Deputi Sarana dan Prasarana, Kementerian PPN/ BAPPENAS RI
kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk mendiskusikan strategi penguatan
infrastruktur transformasi digital yang efektif dan efisien bagi
pemulihan ekonomi Indonesia, maka kami mengundang segenap praktisi dan
stakeholders ICT Indonesia untuk mengikuti acara ini, dengan URL
pendaftaran sebagaimana kami sebutkan di atas.
Terima kasih atas dukungannya kepada MASTEL dan acara ini.
Kamis, 03 Desember 2020
Free Webinar, Penguatan Transformasi Digital Infrastruktur untuk Pemulihan Ekonomi Nasional
Senin, 02 November 2020
Your guide to buildig a cloud native 5G Core from Ericsson
Your guide to buildig a cloud native 5G Core.
Here are download links to all guides. You will receive an email with the ones you selected.
Guide series summary
Your guide to building a cloud native 5G Core
Cloud infrastructure:
Building a cloud native infrastructure
A guide to deploying cloud native platforms for 5G
The cloud native transformation
A guide to cloud native design and operations principles
5G Core:
Dual-mode 5G Core: TCO benefits
The total cost of ownership benefits of Ericsson’s solution
One core – the best of two worlds
Ericsson’s dual-mode 5G Core solution
Building a new world
A guide to evolving from EPC to 5G Core
5G voice:
5G voice network evolution
A guide to enabling 5G voice services in mobile networks
Automation and orchestration
Ericsson Dynamic Orchestration
Solution brief
Network automation: The journey to zero-touch networks
A guide to automating and orchestrating 5G networks and services
Operations and Management:
Transforming operations on the way to 5G
A guide to capturing the true benefits of cloud native and 5G Core
Mastering complete 5G network security
A guide to protecting your network when introducing 5G Core
Senin, 20 Juli 2020
Kontribusi Mempercepat Merdeka Blank Spot Telekomunikasi
Kontribusi Mempercepat Merdeka Blank Spot Telekomunikasi
Seri Webinar D 90 ITB, Dekade 90 ITB, Alumni ITB Angkatan 90-an (1990-1999) dengan tema (I)ndustri = (T)eknologi + (B)isnis Adaptasi di "New Normal"
Via zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86236803320
(tersedia 𝙚-𝙘𝙚𝙧𝙩𝙞𝙛𝙞𝙘𝙖𝙩𝙚 dan giveaway saldo linkAja sebesar Rp 550.000,00) 🙏😊
Live: https://www.youtube.com/c/yoberbagi
& https://pikiran-rakyat.tv
IEEE Leadership Summit 2020: Engineering in COVID-19
IEEE has a strong base to initiate the goal of making innovation that will help us to get through in the new world environment, particularly in the emending challenge of COVID-19 Pandemic. It is important for us to have insights on what to expect later in the engineering field, and how to prepare ourselves to it
IEEE Industry Relations, Government Relation, and Young Professional Indonesia Section together with IEEE Region 10 and IEEE Singapore Office proudly organizes the third webinar of Leadership Summit, Engineering in Covid-19.
We are delighted to invite you to join us in this last webinar series to get an insight view from the industry, corporations, academic and government sector on the kind of innovations needed and how to deal with the obstacles that will occur in the new world environment.
Date: Saturday, July 25th 2020
Time: 14:00-16:00 (GMT+7, Jakarta/Bangkok time)
*Free registration and e-certificate*
Keynote speech: Dr. Laksana Tri Handoko
Chairman of Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Governmental Authority for Science and Research of the Republic of Indonesia
Invited Speakers:
- Prof. Akinori Nishihara, IEEE Region 10 Director
- Prof. Wisnu Jatmiko, IEEE Indonesia Section Chair
- Emeritus Professor Dr. Chun Che Lance Fung, Chair of IEEE Region 10 Educational Activities Committee and Immediate Past Chair of IEEE New Initiatives Committee
- Prof. Jack Sim, founder of World Toilet Organization; creator of UN World Toilet Day; and founder of BOP HUB
- Fajrin Rasyid, Director of Digital Business PT Telkom Indonesia
- Dr Arifin Nugroho, IEEE Indonesia Section Aerospace and Electronic System; GeoScience & Remote Sensing Joint Chapter Chair
- Hwa Chiang Leo, IEEE Singapore Operation Director
Registration to attend:
We look forward to your participation.
Thank you.
IEEE Comsoc Indonesia Webinar: IoT Role to Accelerate the Achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
IoT Role to Accelerate the Achievement of SDG
Speaker 1 : Ir Teguh Prasetya.,MT (Chairman ASIOTI)
Speaker 2 : Dr Muhammad Ary Murti (IoT Researchers, Tel U)
Moderator : Dr. Wiseto Agung (Chair IEEE Comsoc Ind Chapter)
Register :bit.ly/ieeecomsocindonesia
E-Certificate is Included
Previous IEEE Comsoc Webinar Recording :
Senin, 13 Juli 2020
Vulnerabilities in LTE and 5G networks 2020
The problem for operators is that the GTP protocol can be exploited by attackers. Vulnerabilities leave the door open to denial of service and fraud.
To foresee GTP-related issues in the 5G context and outline preventive measures to ensure full 5G network protection, Positive Technologies has released its latest report on GTP security.
This is the concluding paper in our four-part research series on core vulnerabilities and threats in the mobile ecosystem. Operators can refer to it for a picture of GTP threats and expert recommendations on how to proactively counter fraud.
5G Spectrum Industrial Networks – Ericsson White Paper
Leveraging communications service provider assets and expertise
Many industries are looking at 5G as the backbone of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. It is a golden opportunity for communications service providers (CSPs) to create and capture new market spaces by driving innovation, efficiency, and growth across various industries.
A key factor influencing the uptake of wireless solutions is the question of how to handle spectrum for industrial purposes, since reliable connectivity demands licensed spectrum. Some countries provide spectrum dedicated for industrial use, whereas others do not. The intention of this paper is not to discuss the pros and cons of such spectrum strategies, but rather to focus on industries with local radio coverage needs. It tries to show that whether licensed spectrum is set aside for industries or not, CSPs are in the prime position to optimally address these industrial connectivity needs with powerful 5G networks and business models focused on industries. For regulators intending to implement licensed spectrum dedicated to industrial use, this paper aims to describe how this should best be done using simple principles and the well-defined legislation already available in most countries across the world.
Cellular solutions for industries — huge business potential
There is a huge opportunity for CSPs to address industrial connectivity needs with 3GPP-based cellular technologies. The opportunity encompasses a range of industries, including diverse segments with
diverse needs, such as those in the manufacturing, mining, port, energy and utilities, automotive and transport, public safety, media and entertainment, healthcare, and education industries, among others. Many enterprises in these industries are already CSP customers, with the total CSP share of the global addressable 5G-enabled market across these industries projected to be around USD 700 billion by 2030, according to the 2030 Market Compass Report.
One of the objectives of this paper is to address concerns regarding spectrum access for those industries that are early adopters of 3GPP cellular technologies for limited areas — in particular, industries such as manufacturing, mining, and ports as well as those with the opportunity to use cellular technologies in their operations but which have not seen wide adoption yet, such as the airport, oil and gas, warehousing, hospital, education, and construction industries.
Taking manufacturing, with its estimated 1 million factories (with more than 100 employees), as an example, typical business cases revolve around controlling the production process, improving material management, improving safety, and introducing new tools. Typical revenue increases come from increased throughput and quality (2–3 percent), while typical cost savings stem from improved capital efficiency (5–10 percent) and decreased manufacturing costs (4–8 percent). Additionally, ABI Research has shown that manufacturers can expect to see a tenfold increase in their returns on investment (ROIs) for cellular Industry 4.0 solutions, while warehouse owners can expect a staggering fourteen-fold increase in ROI.
5G Spectrum Industrial Networks
Senin, 08 Juni 2020
Introduction on Small Satellite System for Massive Machine Type Commnication (5G mMTC) from LAPAN
Minggu, 07 Juni 2020
5G New Radio Stand Alone Planning at mmWave or 28 GHz Frequency
Sabtu, 06 Juni 2020
Video Tutorial : RF optimisation, KPI / Performance Analysis using Actix or Nemo Analyser
For RF Optimisation and neighbour verification both Scanner and UE measurements are required simultaneously
Post-Processing tool is required for data analysis
Individual call failures or drops can be analysed with Drive test tools (e.g. Nemo Outdoor) but to get bigger picture, a proper analysis tool is required
Actix or Nemo Analyser can be used for
Data analysis
Create Maps
Create KPI reports
Kamis, 28 Mei 2020
5G NR network measurements using network scanners and advanced data analytics
Kamis, 14 Mei 2020
Video Tutorial, Atoll In-Building Module for 5G Indoor RAN Planning
In this webinar you will learn how the new Atoll In-Building module can help network operators plan, optimise and deploy indoor networks, passive and active DAS systems, through presentations and demonstrations of Atoll In-Building features and use cases
- Introduction
- Designing indoor networks
- Working with floor plans
- Calculating indoor propagation
- Designing coverage for stadiums
- Creating bill of materials and other reports
Rabu, 13 Mei 2020
Free Engineering the 5G World eBook from Keysight
Download the free, Engineering the 5G World eBook for information on the complexities of 5G and how to bring your products to market successfully—whether you’re designing chipsets, components, devices, or base stations or bringing 5G networks online.
Senin, 04 Mei 2020
Webinar 'Introducing Atoll In-Building Module for Indoor RAN Planning
May 14 and 19 - Webinar 'Introducing Atoll In-Building Module for Indoor RAN Planning' |
May 14 and 19 - Join our webinar about Atoll new In-Building module, in-building network design within the Atoll framework, providing unique indoor/outdoor network planning capabilities.As most of the mobile traffic is located indoors, indoor network coverage is of the paramount importance especially in the 5G NR context where greater capacity goes hand in hand with less propagation in high frequency bands.In this webinar you will learn how the new Atoll In-Building module can help network operators plan, optimise and deploy indoor networks, passive and active DAS systems, through presentations and demonstrations of Atoll In-Building features and use cases Agenda:
May 14, 2020 9am (Paris)/3am (New-York)/3pm (Hong Kong) 5pm (Paris)/11am (New-York)/11pm (Hong Kong) May 19, 2020 9am (Paris)/3am (New-York)/3pm (Hong Kong) 5pm (Paris)/11am (New-York)/11pm (Hong Kong) |
Selasa, 31 Maret 2020
Kominfo Free Online Academy dalam Program Digital Talent Scholarship (DTS) 2020
Untuk meningkatkan produktivitas masyarakat Indonesia yang sedang #dirumahaja dalam situasi darurat COVID-19, Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika kembali menyelenggarakan Online Academy dalam Program Digital Talent Scholarship (DTS) 2020.
Program Digital Talent Scholarship adalah program beasiswa pelatihan dan sertifikasi yang ditujukan kepada para peserta terpilih untuk meningkatkan keterampilan di bidang IT. Program DTS kembali menghadirkan Online Academy dengan materi pelatihan yang sudah disiapkan oleh Kementerian Kominfo bekerjasama dengan Global Technology Company seperti Cisco, Redhat, Google, dan mitra lainnya. Peserta Online Academy akan belajar secara mandiri secara daring/online dan peserta mengatur waktu belajar secara mandiri dan terjadwal sesuai dengan waktu yang telah ditentukan.
Adapun tema pelatihan Online Academy yang dibuka sebagai berikut:
1. Cloud Computing
(Open Stack Administration)
Pendaftaran: 30 Maret - 11 April 2020
Pelatihan: mulai 15 April 2020
Durasi Pelatihan: 5 Minggu
2. Cloud Computing
(Containers, Kubernetes, OpenShift)
Pendaftaran: 30 Maret - 11 April 2020
Pelatihan: mulai 15 April 2020
Durasi Pelatihan: 4 Minggu
3. IT Essentials
Pendaftaran: 30 Maret - 11 April 2020
Pelatihan: mulai 15 April 2020
Durasi Pelatihan: 9 Minggu
4. CCNA Network Engineer
Pendaftaran: 30 Maret - 23 April 2020
Pelatihan: mulai 4 Mei 2020
Durasi Pelatihan: 9 Minggu
5. CCNA Cyber Operations Specialist
Pendaftaran: 30 Maret - 23 April 2020
Pelatihan: mulai 4 Mei 2020
Durasi Pelatihan: 9 Minggu
6. Python
Pendaftaran: 30 Maret - 23 April 2020
Pelatihan: mulai 4 Mei 2020
Durasi Pelatihan: 8 Minggu
- Warga Negara Indonesia
- Memiliki KTP / KK
- Sedang bekerja/sudah pernah bekerja (dibuktikan dengan surat pernyataan sedang atau pernah bekerja / ID Card / Surat Tugas)
- Tidak sedang menempuh pendidikan/perkuliahan
- Terbuka untuk ASN/TNI/Polri
7. Digital Entrepreneurship
Pendaftaran: 30 Maret - 12 April 2020
Pelatihan: mulai 15 April 2020
Durasi Pelatihan: 1 Hari
- Warga Negara Indonesia
- Memiliki KTP / KK
- Untuk Kelas Umum berusia minimal 17 Tahun
- Memiliki akun gmail dan sosial media
terbuka juga kelas untuk Ibu Rumah Tangga
8. Programming
(HTML, CSS, Javascript)
Pendaftaran: 30 Maret - 11 April 2020
Pelatihan: mulai 15 April 2020
Durasi Pelatihan: 8 Minggu
- Warga Negara Indonesia
- Memiliki KTP / KK
- Terbuka untuk umum Lulusan SMA/SMK/Sederajat yg belum bekerja (tidak sedang menempuh pendidikan /perkuliahan)
- Terbuka untuk ASN/TNI/Polri
9. Digital Marketing
Pendaftaran: 30 Maret - 9 April 2020
Pelatihan: 13 - 24 April 2020
Durasi Pelatihan: 10 Hari
- Warga Negara Indonesia
- Memiliki KTP / KK
- Lulusan D3/D4/S1 yang belum bekerja / tidak sedang bekerja
- Usia 18-30 Tahun
- Berkomitmen untuk mengikuti live session 3 jam sehari
Seluruh pelatihan Terbuka untuk penyandang disabilitas (dengan sarana prasarana disediakan oleh peserta secara mandiri)
INFORMASI DAN PENDAFTARAN melalui digitalent.kominfo.go.id
Follow untuk informasi lebih lanjut:
Instagram: @digitalent.kominfo
Twitter: DTS_Kominfo
Facebook & Telegram: Digital Talent Scholarship
Stay safe & stay healthy Digiers!
Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika RI
Senin, 30 Maret 2020
Kamis, 20 Februari 2020
Apakah measurement configuration dan measurement report ?
Apakah measurement itu?
Kita singkat meas aja ya,
Meas terdiri dari 2 yaitu meas configuration dan meas report.
Keduanya digunakan oleh UE ketika melakukan pengukuran dan reporting kekuatan sinyal yang diterima dari cells. Kita tau alurnya yaitu RRC Connection Reconfiguration, lalu RRC Connection Reconfiguration Complete, dan akhirnya measurement report.
Ilmu Planning Optim Telekomunikasi
Measnya bisa berupa interfrequency, intrafrequency atau IRAT (intersystem)
1. Meas Object : objeknya menyediakan informasi tentang EUTRA cell yang hendak diukur oleh UE termasuk di sana ada PCI, black list cell ID, offset value tiap cell, freq channel number, dll. Untuk yg blacklist cell ini tidak dipertimbangkan di meas report atau event evaluation.
2. Reporting Configuration : ini untuk triggering event seperti A1,A2,A3,A4 dst. juga CGI untuk ANR. Report interval dalam ms juga termasuk di sini. Dan report amount (r1,r2,r4,r8,r16,r32,r64,infinity)
4. Quantity Config: nilai ini untuk diukur oleh UE2. Menandakan banyaknya jumlah meas
5. Meas Gap : menunjukkan interval neighbor cell mana untuk diukur oleh UE. Pada Intra freq neigh meas, UE dapat mengukur neighbor cell tanpa menggunakan meas gap. Di samping itu, pada inter freq neighbor meas, UE harus synchronize dengan frekuensinya neighbor cell dan kemudian mengukur signal strenghtnya menggunakan meas gap selama periode idle UL atau DL
Event A3 adalah yg paling sering digunakan untuk triggering handover.
dah sekian dulu.
Semoga menambah pemahaman tentang Meas.
Bagaimana cara mengaktifkan Idle Mode Mobility dari LTE ke teknologi di bawahnya dan Intra LTE via X2
Idle Mode Mobility dari LTE ke WCDMA :
1. Aktifkan SIB6. SIB6 mengandung informasi tentang UTRA frequencies dan UTRA neighbor cells
2. Create UFFIM (Utran FDD Frequency Idle Mode) Parameters. Hingga 16 Freq Group dari WCDMA FDD dapat dibroadcast.
Idle Mode Mobility dari LTE ke GSM :
1. Aktifkan SIB7. mengandung informasi tentang frekuensi GERAN untuk cell reselection. Parameter-parameternya digrupkan dalam GFFIM dan GNFL object.
2. Create GFIM & GNL
GFIM = GERAN Frequency Idle Mode Parameters. GNFL = GERAN Neighbor Frequency List Parameters. Juga hingga 16 GERAN frequency layers dapat dibroadcast.
Intra LTE Connected Mode Mobility via X2
1. Create LNADJ. Yang dibutuhkan dari neighbor adalah c-plane IP Address dan eNB-ID
2. Create LNADJL dan LNREL. Jika X2nya aktif maka LNADJL akan tercreate otomatis oleh sistem, begitu pulan LNRELnya.
Sumber :
Senin, 03 Februari 2020
5G Free Webinar Introducing Naos, Automation Platform for RAN Planning and Optimisation using Atoll
Feb 11 and 13 - Join our webinar about Naos, a scalable, service-oriented platform that enables the automation of wireless network planning and optimisation processes.It is fully compatible with Atoll and uses the same field-proven calculation algorithm.Naos provides mobile operators with a framework for designing and developing their own automated RAN planning and optimisation workflows. Typical use cases include 5G site selection, business planning, process-oriented radio planning and optimisation, dedicated optimisation applications and more. During this webinar, we will be presenting Naos, as well as automation use cases. Agenda:
Sign up now! February 11, 2020 9am (Paris)/3am (New-York)/3pm (Hong Kong) 5pm (Paris)/11am (New-York)/11pm (Hong Kong) February 13, 2020 9am (Paris)/3am (New-York)/3pm (Hong Kong) 5pm (Paris)/11am (New-York)/11pm (Hong Kong) URL : https://register.gotowebinar.com/rt/2781417376688194051 |