Minggu, 16 Desember 2012

RF Survey Tutorial

RF Survey  is Collection of data s from the site or in  Field    for installing a new site .Just checking the Practically  of Cell Site ,for making determination for Coverage Region of Cell Site & for Deciding the Link/Connectivity with the another  Cell Site.
Need for Wireless Site Survey
RF Survey is used to find the Problems in the Site .Because ,In wireless network many issues  arise day by day ,which can prevent the signals from reaching all parts .Examples ;By  multipath Distortion ,Near Far end Problem.In order to avoid the problem ,we are doing RF Survey .RF Survey  helps us to find the  place where multipath distortion can occur,any interference.By doing RF Survey ,we can eliminate the problem .
Types of RF survey
1) RND (Radio Network Design) survey.
2)TND (Transmission Network Design) survey.
1) RND (Radio Network Design) survey.
              It  is Used for Deciding the Coverage for  a new cell Site ,we need to see some criteria in cell site
1.Site Location2. Orientation or Azimuth of GSM Antenna.3. Height of GSM Antenna.4. Tilt of the GSM AntennaTypes of RND Survey:-

1)Coverage Site Survey;It is done  for  New Site or Existing site
2)Capacity Site Survey;It is done in  Existing site  ,Just check the Load of the site,check the Population in that  region
Coverage Site Survey;
Step By Step Process:-
1)By using GPS find the Location of the Site according to our Data
2)Check the Population of the Region ,Disturbance  or Not.and also check the Nominal Point .
3)If  Nominal is Not visible means just inform to  Project Co-ordinator & Check another Nominal Point.
4)If visible means  than Decide the   Site Location.
5) Collecting the data in site  throughout  all 360 Direction.
6)Coverage Area Can be Decided by ;
         Frequency Band
Neighbor Cell Site Distance
AMSL Variation
Population Density of Area
7) Note  all the data or  Information in Note Pad
Capacity Site (off Loading) Survey
1)By using GPS find the Location of the Site according to our Data
2)Check the Population of the Region ,Disturbance  or Not.and also check the Nominal Point .
3)If  Nominal is Not visible means just inform to  Project Co-ordinator & Check another Nominal Point.
4)If visible means  than Decide the   Site Location.location must not be more than 50 m,
5)If you cannot  visible means  in other site means ,inform to your co ordinator 6) After that decide the orientation ,according to Population.If it is Conjunction means ,where required to OFF LOAD the sector.
7)Decide the Height of Tower, by Checking the Height of Microwave Antenna & GSM Antenna.

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