Senin, 08 Juni 2020

Introduction on Small Satellite System for Massive Machine Type Commnication (5G mMTC) from LAPAN

Introduction on Small Satellite System for Massive Machine Type Commnication (5G mMTC), Wahyudi Hasbi, S.Si, M.Kom (Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional-LAPAN)

Minggu, 07 Juni 2020

5G New Radio Stand Alone Planning at mmWave or 28 GHz Frequency

5G New Radio Stand Alone Planning at mmWave or 28 GHz Frequency

Sabtu, 06 Juni 2020

Video Tutorial : RF optimisation, KPI / Performance Analysis using Actix or Nemo Analyser

RF optimisation, KPI / Performance Analysis using Actix or Nemo Analyser

For RF Optimisation and neighbour verification both Scanner and UE measurements are required simultaneously
Post-Processing tool is required for data analysis
Individual call failures or drops can be analysed with Drive test tools (e.g. Nemo Outdoor) but to get bigger picture, a proper analysis tool is required
Actix or Nemo Analyser can be used for
Data analysis 
Create Maps
Create KPI reports

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