Senin, 27 Agustus 2012

Tests for the new transmission systems (type approval/type acceptance tests)

Tests for the new transmission systems (type approval/type acceptance tests)

In connection with the implementation of new technology or as a result of a tender process it is always necessary to test in detail new transmission systems before they are integrated into existing networks.
It is of course the case that all manufacturers guarantee the conformity of their products with international standards, however it happens time and time again — above all in the complex interaction with existing systems of different suppliers — to unexpected incompatibilities.

On the basis of my wide and highly differentiated experience of many years I am in a position to develop and implement test scenarios which are both practical and customer-specific, and these tests differ greatly from traditional test procedures recommended predominantly by the manufacturers. My services cover all types of microwave link systems as well as multiplexer, ATM and IP technology, including Ethernet.

For expanding please click on the image
Measuring of the transmission equipment in the test laboratory within the typ

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