Sabtu, 15 Desember 2012

TEMS Tutorial for 3G Optimization


Case 1: Drop due to missing neighbor
 Problem: Detected Nighbor (DN)
Mobiloe Station sends a Report ,which it measured in site ,that contains event 1A means adding a new RL (cell) to Active Set
The reported cell should be present in current neighbor cell list,If it not available means  and then reported Ec/No is better than the best serving cell Ec/No in AS by some dBs (set by a RNC parameter)
In any movement,new cell can not be added to Aativr Set,if we addd means ,call will be released
Figure : Drop -due -to -missing- neighbor
Case 2: Drop due to Poor Coverage (low RSCP)
  Problem: Poor DL coverage
When Mobie Station have a low RSCP value ( < -107 dBm).At the time  Ec/No values,call Drop will happen,Mobilw Staion  will likely lift up up the transmitted power and reach its max power. The DL BLER will probably increase and SIR
target cannot maintain anymore, finally the call drops.

Figure : Drop -due- to -Poor -Coverage
Case 3:Due to Poor DL Coverage
If Mobile Station  enters into a RSCP level (< – 105 dBm ) means ,it have low coverage area at the time (.The packet connection is carried on a 64/64 DCH Channel
as consequence of the low coverage conditions.
The UE is  Lift up the Mobile Station power to the maximum,it reach to Idle Mode and the Application and RLC throughputs go
to zero.
At this point the RAS application will start the Session
Timeout timer, if the throughput is not resumed the Session
Error event is triggered with cause “session timeout”.
Figure : Session -Error - due -to- Poor Coverage

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